quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Klmover–Kaspersky utility for changing Network agent settings


The utility is started via command prompt and has the following syntaxis:

klmover [-logfile LOGFILE] [-address SERVER_ADDRESS] [-pn NON_SSL_PORT] [-ps SSL_PORT] [-nossl] [-cert CERTIFICATE] [-silent] [- dupfix]

For example:

klmover -address -logfile klmover.log

  • -logfile LOGFILE  - create a utility run log. By default, the information will be stored in the stdout.tx file; if run without this switch, error messages will be displayed on the screen;
  • -address SERVER_ADDRESS  - new Administration server name. Can contain IP address, NetBIOS or DNS name;
  • -pn NON_SSL_PORT - indicates to Network agent an Administration server port for establishing a non-secure connection. This switch is optional; the default port is 14000;
  • -ps SSL_PORT  - indicates to Network agent an Administration server port for establishing a secure connection. This switch is optional; the default port is 13000;
  • -nossl - connect to Administration server using a non-secure connection, Without this switch, Network agent will connect to Administration server using the secure SSL protocol.
  • -cert CERTIFICATE  - new Administration server certificate file path. This switch is optional;
  • -silent  - silent mode.
  • -dupfix - this switch is obligatory if you installed Network agent by some alternative method (e.g. restore from a system image) instead of using a distribution package.

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